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We're currently hiring some ninjas to join our crew on various positions! 
If you feel open to adventures, let's connect!

Even when there is no official Open Positions, do not hesitate to apply, present yourself, your experiences and your skills.
A dedicated form is here to connect with new talents!

Cybersecurity Engineer & Pentester

Job Description: 

Passionate about cybersecurity, you're a creative hacker.
Everyday checking infosec news, analysing last hacks. 
You like to play with networks, code and intrusion testing with passion and a high ethic.
Interested in cryptography, privacy, peer-to-peer and distributed ledgers, you're a curious human whatever the challenge.
Comfortable with the idea of working sometimes alone, sometimes with crew,  and without any 'in real life' office. 

You are skilled and creative, and like all of us you don't give a f#ck about Agile Method.
You hate when 'managers & too much process', and prefers freeride with trusted crew moving fast & freely.

You also like to create smooth and well documented articles about hacks, to share your knowledge to people around.

You will put your code & organizational skills to work in the service of a vision and strategy that has several simultaneous fronts, and different types of activities.  
We are full remote, working from world wide on Slack+Discord+Trello+Github...


Main missions :
- You'll be a bug hunter on various platforms, with a Web3 focus
- Analyse code & hack it, for clients or for Samouraï crew

- Detect all kind of weakness on projects, and help people to bug fix.

- Review documentation & assist crew mates 
- Lead some topics or being a support for others (p2p auto-management)


Secondary Missions : 
- Connect with crew daily, to feel the team vibe & push the limits together
- Write documentation for community

- Audit & review implementations

- Buidl projects from scratch to release 
- Make proposals, be autonomous 


Description of the required profile :
- We don't have any requirements except passion+hard skills+human feeling.
- Being passionated about Web3 is a need.

$$$$ : Depending on skills+projects
Full time / Part-time / Project focus / SamBounties

More about the Company :
Samouraï Coop is a production company and 360° agency born in 2017.
Carried by a young team passionate about creations, culture and technologies, it strives to create a dynamic of innovation to serve its customers, while defending independent creation within a very dynamic structure. 

The company develops 3 complementary activities: 
- Services for companies, institutions,... 
- Productions (films, web series, events, NFTs, etc.)
- Consulting and technology services (Web3, Blockchain).

Organized as a "full remote" since 2020, Samouraï Coop's team gathers within the same agency various actors (directors, editors, technicians, artists, developers, graphic designers, motion designers...).

The culture of the company is that of a very small, passionate team, developing since 2017 an agile, innovative, and creative structure that uses technologies to develop various creative projects and consolidate jobs in a sustainable way.

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